
Child Protection Statement

Here at Hunts Cross Primary school, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and we expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

  1. Our school is committed to safeguarding children and promoting children’s welfare and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a vigilant and safe environment. Everyone has a responsibility to act, without delay, to protect children by reporting anything that might suggest a child is being abused or neglected. It is our willingness to work safely and challenge inappropriate behaviours that underpins this commitment. The school seeks to work in partnership with families and other agencies to improve the outcomes for children who are vulnerable or in need.

Aims of Safeguarding procedure and practice at Hunts Cross Primary School

·       To provide a safe school in which we actively promote the safety of every child.

·       To provide a message to all adults within our community, that we are a safe school.

·       To challenge the identity and purpose of all visitors to our school, and to keep a       record of these.

·       To provide an environment in which pupils feel safe, can express their feelings on matters relating to safety and can be assertive if necessary.

·       To provide a regularly updated policy on safeguarding shared with all staff and governors and made available to parents.

·       To embed messages about personal safety into our curriculum.

·       To embed message about online safety into our curriculum.

Designated Safeguarding Staff

Mrs Nicola Ware is our Headteacher

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mr Andrew Growney / Mrs Nicola Ware

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Janet Spreadbury, Miss Abbi Bennett and Miss Jenna Webster

Designated Teacher for LAC Children – Mrs Kirsty Whitlock

Safeguarding Governor – Mrs Sarah Crease

Safeguarding within the Curriculum


Through our curriculum, we teach the children about their own safety and continually share safe messages and information. This includes regular updates about online safety, maintaining personal safety, anti-bullying messages and equality work. We use guidance and information provided by external agencies including NSPCC, Google Legends, Anti-Bullying Alliance and the Safer Internet Centre to support our teaching. We also encourage visits from The Red Cross who teach the children basic first aid.


Our teaching of PSHE enables children to be taught about personal safety, hygiene, feelings, emotions and to maintain healthy lifestyles. We also try and link this into P4C (Philosophy for children), which offers a way to open up children’s learning through enquiry and the exploration of ideas. Children learn that their ideas have value, and that the ideas of other children have value too. Through Philosophy for Children they realise that they don’t always have to be right, but they gain the confidence to ask questions and learn through discussion.

Online Safety

Hunts Cross Primary school takes online safety of its children seriously and builds into everyday lessons the need to stay safe online, at all times. At Hunts Cross Primary school, we use ICT and the internet to learn specific computing skills, to enhance our learning cross the curriculum and develop skills for life. Children are taught how to stay safe when working online and online Safety is a priority in all our work. Our staff and children are trained in all aspects of online safety and training is updated regularly. Online information and safety guidance is shared with parents.


SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural education) themes and messages are taught across all subjects ensuring our children develop a wider understanding of equality, develop empathy and a reflective approach to their daily lives.

Health and development

Safeguarding is also defined as supporting the health and development of our children.

At Hunts Cross we promote the health and well-being of all our children to maximise their readiness to learn. Through our board curriculum we promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of out children in order to prepare them for experiences, opportunities and responsibilities in later life.

To support the health needs of children with more serious medical conditions, school staff receive training and regular updates on:

  • Anaphylaxis/Allergies- Epi-pen training, practices reviewed regularly with class teacher, staff aware of allergens
  • Asthma- Full procedures are outlined in Asthma Policy document. Care plans are clearly displayed in classrooms, pupils are allowed immediate (supervised) access to inhalers.
  • Diabetes- monitoring blood sugar levels and ensuing they remain stable, administering insulin injections, recording information for parents/carers.
  • Epilepsy- Care plans and training for the administration of medication in an emergency.
  • Physical disabilities – Access arrangements are reviewed annually.

Relationships and Sex Education

Our framework for teaching RSE is set within the context of developing loving relationships, family and emotional well-being. It is taught through a whole range of means including circle time, video discussions, class activities and support from outside agencies where possible.

The aims of the RSE curriculum are :

  • self-esteem and self-awareness
  • the skills needed for successful relationships
  • a positive attitude towards difference and diversity
  • an understanding of their own and others’ rights
  • emotional literacy
  • the ability and confidence to make informed choices
  • the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude to optimise their health
  • the ability and knowledge to keep themselves and other people safe by minimising risk from harm
  • an understanding of their own and others’ values and beliefs, and an individual moral framework that will help them to make well-considered decisions
  • a positive attitude towards their body and sexuality
  • the ability to access help and support

Education Visits at Hunts Cross Primary school

Children at Hunts Cross Primary take part in a range of education trips and visits throughout the school year. Children in Year 5 attend residential trips to PGL centres.

Mrs Taylor is Hunts Cross Primary schools Educational Visits Co-Ordinator and attends annual training to support this role.

Hunts Cross Primary school has adopted the Local Authority educational visits policy for risk assessing trips and visits and submits all risk assessments to the LA via Evolve systems.

Safeguarding Curriculum Map

Visitors and Volunteers Safeguarding Leaflets

You can also view our safeguarding leaflet which is provided to visitors and volunteers on arrival to our school. This is a summary of our Safeguarding policy.

Hunts Cross Primary school Code of Conduct

The code of conduct for School employees is our Staff Handbook. This details how staff fulfil their responsibilities of their roles at Hunts Cross Primary school. You can view the school conduct below.